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Style over 40: Time to re-disvover the joy of dressing up

Janine Coney

I was delighted to be featured this week by Talya Stone in the fabulous online magazine 40 Now What... I was asked to give my tips for re-discvering the joy of dressing up post 40.. of course I was brimming with ideas...

Here is a snippet from the feature and the link to read in full ....

So here we are….we made it to Freedom Day (whatever the heck that even means!). Now faced with a prospect of a so-coined summer of fun (that is if we don’t get pinged and have to isolate like half of the country), mingling with more people and going to more places, that actually means that we have to start looking presentable again! But if you have been spending most days in a onesie (as I have) and feel your brow beading with sweat at the idea of having to look stylish again, then fear not people! We have rounded up the best in advice on how to ease yourself back into dressing up again as we all run (or stagger) into the sunshine and embrace whatever version your summer of fun looks like.

Read on for tips on redscovering the joy of dressing up from Style Coach Janine Coney at Own Your Style; Jacynth Bassett, founder of age-inclusive online fashion boutique The Bias Cut and ‘ageism fighting trailblazer’ Jacynth Bassett; and Donna McCulloch, Stylist to the stars and Fashion Editor at Style Nest.


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