At the beginning of this year I set my word of the year for 2023 and it is Fearless!!! I set a goal to speak to an audience 🗣️ at one event every month and push myself completely out of my comfort zone!
In February I attended my first Marketing Meet Up hosted in MK by Ed Lovelock. I told him I would love to speak at the event, if you don’t know about the Marketing Meet Up they are really great events for marketing people to meet up! And every month they have one industry speaker to talk to the audience . They have great values - listen, say hello and be positively lovely! Values that totally align with me and my biz too!
Anyway, fast forward 9 months and YES I have achieved my goal, more on that in another post) of an event a month including London ExCel in March this year, and I get an email from Nicola who organises and Co-hosts the Milton Keynes events with Ed, asking if I’d like to give a talk about Personal Branding at the next event.
Ummmm yes please!
As I’ve mentioned before I always get nervous before I present- I know my stuff but there is always the fear of going wrong and forgetting my words (which actually happened to me once many years ago, again another story). But my mission to empower people to understand the power of personal branding, why it matters and how they can manage there’s for success outweighs any nerves I have ! 🤩 To be honest, when I start it's hard to stop me as I get so passionate about the subject!
On the evening I shared my Six C’s to Personal Banding!! I shared how genuine connections are everything, as nobody wants 'icky false connections in their world! I shared my opinions on niching down and how you can effectively build your presence for success

My magic trick reveal which I save for live events (now I know you want to come and see it too lol😂) really got the audience to understand and think about how they connect and tell their story as part of their personal brand success too. After all the old marketing saying People buy from people is still so true!
